
From Blockate Wiki
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Function Adds, removes, modifies and utilises stats
Amount of Commands 13
Minimum Permission Level Visitor-Admin

Overview[edit | edit source]

The stat commands & stats in general are a complicated thing. Each stat has a name, display name, id & weight. A stats name is well, the name of the stat. You will use that for any commands. The display name is what it is displayed as in the leaderboard for players to see. The ids of a stat are data that are stored in the stat (for each player with the id), each with a default weight of 1. Stat weights are the amount of numerical value each id has, stat weights added together make up the numerical value of that certain stat & is what is displayed on the leaderboard. For example, if you have a stat called "test" with the user having 2 ids for that stat, "test1" and "test2" with each having a stat weight of 2, in the leaderboard the user will have a numerical value of 4 for that stat with the 2 ids listed above.

Command Types[edit | edit source]

!stat show[edit | edit source]

The command !stat show is what everyone can use and it shows you the ids a player has for a certain stat. It uses the syntax !stat show (stat) (plr).

!stat clear[edit | edit source]

The command stat clear is used for removing every single stat from the world builders can use them so let trusted people have builder! It uses the syntax !stat clear. It requires you to be Builder+.

!stat weight[edit | edit source]

This command changes the weight of the specified id for the stat. The weight of the stat affects how much it affects the numerical value of the stat, which is the number that appears on the leaderboard and what stattele checks for. To sum it up it changes the number of the id for a certain stat for everyone. It uses the syntax !stat weight (stat) (id) (weight). It requires you to be Builder+.

!statgiver[edit | edit source]

Turns the block your cursor is over into a statgiver block that will add the id into the stat you have listed for all players that make contact with the statgiver. It uses the syntax !statgiver (stat) (id). It requires you to be Builder+.

!statremover[edit | edit source]

Turns the block your cursor is over into a statremover block that will remove the id from the listed stat for all players that make contact with the statremover. It uses the syntax !statremover (stat) (id). It requires you to be Builder+.

!statreseter[edit | edit source]

Removes all ids for the stat listed when a player makes contact with the block. It uses the syntax !statreseter (stat). It requires you to be Builder+.

!stat add[edit | edit source]

This adds a new stat that will appear on the leaderboard with the name you put in the stat name slot. It uses the syntax !stat add (stat name). It requires you to be Admin+.

!stat display[edit | edit source]

Changes the display name of the stat you put in stat name slot to the one in the new one slot. It can also hide the stat from the leaderboard. It uses the syntax !stat display (stat name) (new name). To show or hide the stat from the leaderboard the syntax is !stat display (stat name) <on/off/get>. It requires you to be Admin+.

!stat remove[edit | edit source]

This removes a stat. Replace all stat to all to remove all stats in the world. It uses the syntax !stat remove (stat). It requires you to be Admin+.

!stat reset[edit | edit source]

Resets all the ids of a stat for the player listed. It uses the syntax !stat reset (player) (stat). It requires you to be Admin+.

!stat show[edit | edit source]

It shows all the stats in the game. It uses the syntax !stat show. It requires you to be Admin+.

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