
From Blockate Wiki
Image required
Function Allows you to view the block grid
Amount of Commands 7
Minimum Permission Level Builder

Overview[edit | edit source]

Grid commands allow you to view and use the blockate grid to place blocks mid-air anywhere.

Command Types[edit | edit source]

!grid[edit | edit source]

Places a on the surface you’re hovering over.

!grid back[edit | edit source]

Places a grid under the block you're hovering over.

!grid center[edit | edit source]

Creates a grid in the center of the world.

!grid feet[edit | edit source]

Creates a grid on the block your standing on.

!grid off[edit | edit source]

Disables the grid.

!grid pull[edit | edit source]

!grid pull uses the syntax !grid pull (amount). It pulls the grid towards your camera (must have grid enabled).

!grid push[edit | edit source]

!grid push uses the syntax !grid pull (amount). It is opposite of grid pull, as it pushes away from your camera. (must have grid enabled)

Cannon - Conga - Decals - Effects - Ez - Fly - Grid - Infection - Portal - Powerup
Sign - Soundblock - Tele - Tripper - Warp