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m (properly named sequence syntax and added some effect history)
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==Sequence Syntax==
==“Changing Effects”==
“ChangingSequence effects”Syntax are whenis an incredibly useful feature where effect changesparticles it’schange colorcolors, transparency, brightness, etc., as it’s particles float throughthroughout thetheir airlifespan.
It can be done by using “->” symbols in your commands.
(Example: !effect brightness 1-> 0.5-> 0.5-> 1)
*Effects were first shown in the hub in September, 2018. Effects were added in the Effect Update on October 6th, 2018. The command !effect fade was added on October 7th, 2018. The command !effect spin was added on October 17th, 2018. The smoke block was the first effect block in Blockate. It showcased effects in the Blockate Hub before effects were ever added. It used to emit smoke particles. This block was unattainable in any Blockate world.
*The command !effect fade was added on October 7th, 2018.
*The command !effect spin was added on October 17th, 2018.
*The smoke block was the first effect block in Blockate. It showcased effects in the Blockate Hub before effects were ever added. It used to emit smoke particles. This block was unattainable in any Blockate world.
*On March 14th, 2022, “sequence syntax” effects were added.
*The commands !effect relative and !effect drag were added on April 20th, 2023.
== Command Types ==

Revision as of 16:48, 2 August 2023

An effect with the smoke texture
Function Create effects
Amount of Commands 16
Minimum Permission Level Builder


Effects shown by ryanmatela on his game TestWorld, on Blockate's Twitter.

Effects are particle emitters than can be added to a specified side of a block. They are added using the !effect command and can be customized with many others. Custom or premade textures can be applied. For a guide on how to use effects, check out this page.

There are multiple premade textures, which can be used on decals and effects are the following:

  • sparkles
  • fire
  • smoke
  • blux
  • drip
  • grass
  • grasstall
  • wheat
  • plant
  • tele
  • portal
  • congaer
  • mtele
  • warplocation
  • timetele
  • sign
  • warp
  • kill
  • teamer
  • tripper
  • baller
  • soundblock
  • cannon
  • effect
  • statgiver
  • statremover
  • statreseter
  • stattele
  • geargiver
  • gearremover
  • powerup
  • checkedbox
  • checkbox
  • teamtele
  • mtimetele
  • flyer
  • circle
  • square
  • poisoner
  • damager
  • healer
  • headshot:(username)
  • bust:(username)

Sequence Syntax

Sequence Syntax is an incredibly useful feature where effect particles change colors, transparency, etc., throughout their lifespan. It can be done by using “->” symbols in your commands. (Example: !effect brightness 1-> 0.5-> 0-> 1)


  • Effects were first shown in the hub in September, 2018. Effects were added in the Effect Update on October 6th, 2018.
  • The command !effect fade was added on October 7th, 2018.
  • The command !effect spin was added on October 17th, 2018.
  • The smoke block was the first effect block in Blockate. It showcased effects in the Blockate Hub before effects were ever added. It used to emit smoke particles. This block was unattainable in any Blockate world.
  • On March 14th, 2022, “sequence syntax” effects were added.
  • The commands !effect relative and !effect drag were added on April 20th, 2023.

Command Types


The !effect command is the most basic command in this set. It uses the syntax !effect (texture name/id) [side] Apply an effect by hovering your mouse over the side of a block then using the command. Particles will be emitted from that side. Alternatively, you can use [side] to specify which side you want it to be on.

!effect size

!effect size uses the syntax !effect size (size) [side]. It changes the size of each particle on the specified side. The default size is 1, minimum is 0.5 and maximum is 100.

!effect color

!effect color uses the syntax !effect color (brickcolor) [side]. It sets the color of the particles on the specified size. Only colors preset by roblox can be used.

!effect time

!effect time uses the syntax !effect time (secs) [side]. It changes for how long each particle lasts.

!effect speed

!effect speed uses the syntax !effect speed (studs per sec) [side]. It changes how quick each particle moves.

!effect spread

!effect spread uses the syntax !effect spread (angle) [side]. It changes how far apart each particle is.

!effect amount

!effect amount uses the syntax !effect amount (amount) [side]. It changes how many particles spawn.

!effect transparency

!effect transparency uses the syntax !effect transparency (amount) [side]. It changes how transparent the particles are.

!effect fade

!effect fade uses the syntax !effect fade (amount) [side]. It sets the time it takes for the particles to fade in and out. Set (amount) to 1 for it to spend 50% of its time fading in/out. (amount) has a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 1.

!effect spin

!effect spin uses the syntax !effect spin (amount) [side]. (amount) can be positive or negative, which decides the direction/speed the particles will spin.

!effect force

!effect force uses the syntax !effect force (x) (y) (z) [side]. It makes the particles move in the direction of the force.

!effect relative

!effect relative uses the syntax !effect relative on/off. It makes the particles locked to the block it’s on. This only makes a visible difference when the block is a movable.

!effect brightness

!effect brightness uses the syntax !effect brightness (amount) [side]. It sets the amount of light that it requires to be seen, if set to 0 it will need light to be seen, but if set to 1 it will not need light to be seen.

!effect offset

!effect offset uses the syntax !effect offset (amount) [side]. It allows the particles to be able to be seen over blocks, if set to 0 it will hide under blocks, but if set to 1 it will appear over blocks.

!effect drag

!effect drag uses the syntax !effect drag (amount) [side]. It makes the particles gradually slow down over time.

!effect show

!effect show uses the syntax !effect show [side]. It shows the effect’s properties in a text box.


Cannon - Conga - Decals - Effects - Ez - Fly - Grid - Infection - Portal - Powerup
Sign - Soundblock - Tele - Tripper - Warp