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Revision as of 22:06, 29 January 2020 by Megamonsta2 (talk | contribs)

Decals are a feature in Blockate that allows users to put a custom image on a block. Despite their name, they use a SurfaceGUI rather than an actual decal. VIP is required to place decals.

How to use decals

Decals are used to display an image or information to a user. They can be scaled or offset around the block. They are placed and edited using commands.

Decal commands


This is the main decal command. It adds the decal to a block.

!decal [texture id/name]

e.g. !decal 648146135 or !decal smoke

!decal size

This command adjusts the size of a decal. The default size is 1x, 1y.

!decal size [x] [y]

e.g. !decal size 2 2

!decal offset

This command changes the offset. It can be used to position the decal off the block.

!decal offset [x] [y]

e.g. !decal offset 0.5 0.5

!decal color

This command colors the decal.

!decal color [r] [g] [b]

e.g. !decal color 17 17 17

!decal rotation

This command rotates the decal.

!decal rotation (angle)

e.g !decal rotation 90

Pre-Made Decals

With the decal command, instead of putting an id you can put a decal in the base game such as a sign decal or teleporter decal. They will be all listed below and can be used for effects as well.

!decal fire

!decal grass

!decal portal

!decal blux

!decal warp

!decal sign

!decal effect

!decal tele

!decal stattele

!decal powerup

!decal soundblock

!decal teamer

!decal statgiver

!decal statremover

!decal tripper

!decal kill

!decal baller