Help/Preventing Griefers

From Blockate Wiki

This article was made to help stop worlds being griefed. Here are some tips on preventing grief in your worlds.


Private, Not Hub,

As soon as you see someone 'paint greifing' your world you should private your world (!private), friends of the owner that have admin perms should still be able to join, (I think) to help remove the grief.

Avoid Giving Perms,

Unless your game is a free-build, you don't necessarily need admins or builders. Some games don't have any builders or admins, like Speed Simulator.

Never Use Perm Stands,

If you own a free-build game, giving lots of players builder or admin perms at the same time is never a good idea. It can actually makes it easier for griefers to avoid being banned, as it is a lot harder to determine who the griefer/s are.