World:Pokemon Water, Ice & Flow
!createworld This is a world page, it is about user generated content and may not be fully accurate.
Pokemon Water, Ice & Flow | |
Image unavailable | |
Creator | XENIXXeno |
ID | 4755742651 |
Earnings | 0 |
Unique Visits | 390 |
Blocks | 61,681 |
Max Players | 48 |
Overview[edit | edit source]
Pokemon Water & Ice is a world which is played a bit. It has a milestone of 58,000 Blocks and 350 U. Visits. It has profiles, fan-made Pokemon and quests. The owner is XENIXXeno. Sooner or later, the game will be completed. It still is in W.I.P and hasn't got too much content, but, it has a lot of staff. It has been renamed to Pokemon Water, Ice & Flow. It has been griefed on 11th April 2020 or 12th April 2020. The Culprit hasn't been found yet. There are currently 13 gyms, over 1 thousand pokemon and a ton of blocks. It still isn't finished.
Facts[edit | edit source]
- In the game, there are 91 Starters (Including Canon and Fan made), resulting in 273 Pokemon Starters (All forms).
- There are many pokemon. Post-game, there probably will be more than 1400 Pokemon. It Includes all canon pokemon, including the starters, mascot and Eevee. There even is all the Alolan and Galarian Pokemon.
- There will be a complete soundtrack.
- There will be more than 8 Gyms by the end of the game.
- Instead of the Elite 4, there will be the Elite 6.
- The champion is the owner.
- There are more than all the Canon types.
- Behind the Owner's Profile, There is a House where the Owner lives with lil_frisk1 a.k.a: Aussie. (She is lesbian and Aussie is her girlfriend.)
- The gym Leaders without order will not have higher levels.
- Normally, the max level will be Level 250. Staff will be upgraded to 5000. With a No-Limit Card, you can reach up to 100,000. Max for the owner is 1,000,000.
Characters[edit | edit source]
Sans Role-player[edit | edit source]
Tries to be Sans. If you go on No! Scammer! button, You won't gain anything. Go on the are you trying to be sans button will make him give you 1 Hotdog. He will give you 30+ Cash for saying yes.
Shaggy?[edit | edit source]
Will give you a canon starter (Pikachu) if you give him a hotdog.
Noob in house[edit | edit source]
Will give you a Z-Crystal for a Photo (She hides it under the bed to the right of her)
The girl who lost her Bluesteel Cat[edit | edit source]
Gives you 300+ Cash for finding her cat.
Noob in Route 1[edit | edit source]
Battling a random dood. About to lose.
Random dood[edit | edit source]
Battling a Noob in Route 1. Winning so far.
Actual Sans[edit | edit source]
Just there to be a meme.
Aussie (NPC)[edit | edit source]
Gym Leaders[edit | edit source]
Gym Leader Emily[edit | edit source]
1st Gym Leader. Has Seadra and Psyduck.
Gym Leader Blueberry Sans?[edit | edit source]
He got some Shroom and Plant. A Gym Leader without Order.
Gym Leader Icicle[edit | edit source]
2nd Gym Leader. Has Snover, Snowshell and Shice.
Gym Leader Clout[edit | edit source]
3rd Gym Leader. Has Vulturenite, Roc Bird and Elder Vulturenite.
Gym Leader Andrew[edit | edit source]
Gym Leader without order. Has an Elder Vulturenite, Toxic Pikachu, Scaredy Plant and Toxic Draco
Gym Leader Snow[edit | edit source]
4th Gym Leader. Has Glacieron, Freeze & Frost, Darkshell.
Gym Leader Mike[edit | edit source]
5th Gym Leader. Has War Machine, Darksteel Ball, Trophy, Mega Aggron and Aegislash
Wild Pokemon[edit | edit source]
Route 1[edit | edit source]
Route 1-Grassy[edit | edit source]
Grasser, Wood Golem, Vulturenite, Moon Wood Golem (Night), Moon Grasser (Night). (Spiky Grasser [Hidden 0.01%])
Route 1-Frozen[edit | edit source]
Snowshell, Snow Clam, Darkshell (Night), Snow Slug.
Route 1-Sandy[edit | edit source]
Sand Monster, Sandstone Monster, Sand Slug, Night Sand Monster (Night).
Route 1-Volcano[edit | edit source]
Magma Monster, Diamond Monster, Lava Monster, Volcano (Legendary 1%).
Route 1-Dream[edit | edit source]
Pinky, Neo Pink, Pinky Bush (Rare 10%), Rose Pikachu (Mythic 0.5%).
Route 1-Cave Entrance[edit | edit source]
Stony, Cobble, Irony, Batty, Mystic Diamond (Epic 5%), Diamond (Legendary 1%).
Route 1-Bonus[edit | edit source]
Mushroom Cap, Mushy (3 Badges+), Scaredy Plant, Plant Dragon of Poison (3 Badges+).
Route 2[edit | edit source]
Route 2-Grassy[edit | edit source]
Slimy, Armored Slimy, Elder Grasser, Roc Bird, Grasser Soldier.
Route 2-Autumn Grassy[edit | edit source]
Autumn Grasser, Elder Vulturenite, Speedy Grasser, Dark Autumn Grasser (Night).
Route 2-Bonus[edit | edit source]
Toxic Grasser, DarkRune (Legendary 1%) (Night).
Route 3[edit | edit source]
Route 3-Ice[edit | edit source]
Snow Bear, Ice Golem (Legendary 1%).
Route 3-Bridge Fishing[edit | edit source]
Feesh, Sharky
Route 3-Dying Grassy[edit | edit source]
Veteran Grasser, Grasser Bear.
Route 3-Bonus[edit | edit source]
Sandy Cactuser, Sandy Bear.
Route 4[edit | edit source]
Route 4-Forest[edit | edit source]
Treela, Bricky (Very Rare 5%), Tree Guardian (Legendary 1%).
Route 4-Bonus[edit | edit source]
Dat Boi, Uganda Sonic (Epic 12%), Kirby (Uber Rare 2.5%), Metal Alien Dancing (Legendary 1.5%), Uganda Brothers (Legendary 1%), Baby Yoda (Mythic 0.25%)
High Resolution Route 1[edit | edit source]
Grasser, Wood Golem, Wildflower, Grizz, Dirty, Landfill, Clout Bird, Landfill Bear (Hidden in a Fake wall).
Mineshaft of Darkness[edit | edit source]
Rocky, Shamrock, Roc Bird, Corrupt Gem Bear (Hidden inside Weak Wall where you need bomb to get)
High Resolution Route 2[edit | edit source]
Slackbug, Whackbug, Slimy, Elder Grasser, Busher.
The Over Universe[edit | edit source]
Route 1[edit | edit source]
Splash, Mossa, Dirtious, Volta, Inferno Ball, Frost, Brainy, Jojo (Jotaro), All the Starters. (Apart from Over Universe Starters)
Evil Team(s)[edit | edit source]
Team DIO[edit | edit source]
- A time stopper. Just tries to be a ###### to everybody, Actually Evil.
- Strong Pokemon, But has no strategy. (Has a team in leaderboard)
Dark Crusaders[edit | edit source]
- Evil, And has a hidden Headquarters. ##### with everybody.
- Weaker Pokemon, Has amazing strategy. (Has a team in leaderboard)
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure[edit | edit source]
- Much worse than the other two. They hide their true nature from everybody.
- Strong Pokemon and Amazing Strats. (Has a team in leaderboard)
Soundtrack[edit | edit source]
- Super Mario Rpg Forest by Nintendo (Route 1-Grassy)
- The Tale of a Cruel World (Story)
- Pokemon Brick Bronze Cave (Route 1-Cave and Mineshaft of Darkness)
- Pokemon Brick Bronze Desert (Route 1-Desert)
- The Battle Cats ITF (Route 1-Bonus)
- Pokemon Brick Bronze Route (All High Reso Routes)
- 4 Variations of Megalovania Mixed [Owner Battle (Hard)]
- Red Battle in Pokemon (Staff Battle {Hard})
- Pokemon Sword and Shield Gym Battle (Gym Battle)
- Occult a La Carte (Battle with toxicthecar)
- The World Revolving Come on and slam Remix (ProGamer Battle)
- Pokemon Brick Bronze Team Eclipse Grunt Battle (Grunt Battle Music)
- Giorno's Theme (gugunpa Battle)
History[edit | edit source]
The owner of Pokemon Balance has joined the world before and has formatted this page. He said it was a "trash game". Then XENIXXeno joined him Pokemon Balance and played a demo of it. The Ex-co-owner of Pokemon Balance came with his friend, Jack. CaracalBoi called it bad, though it really kind of is. Jack_Split called it "kinda alright". Then Nova came. Not much more happened.
Credits[edit | edit source]
XENIXXeno (Owner)[edit | edit source]
- She works for Verde Cafe.
- She plays Restoration of Sxmoke.
- She likes Loomian Legacy.
- The Champion.
aussiejpeg (Co-Owner Aussie)[edit | edit source]
- Hates the owner
- Has done a No talking for 1 day challenge.
- Final Elite 6 Member.
- She has been grounded from Blockate before, for a few weeks.
Babybelles1 (Belle)[edit | edit source]
- Likes Tazer. Nothing much.
- 5th Elite 6 Member.
- Oldest of the Trio.
- Owner knows her too well.
xXDarkHealthyXx (Japan)[edit | edit source]
- 3rd Elite 6 Member.
- Spoilt :/
- Youngest of the Trio
Unkn0wn_1239[edit | edit source]
- 4th Elite 6 Member.
- Kind :3
- In the middle of the Trio
- Owner doesn't know much about her.
gugunpa[edit | edit source]
- 1st Elite 6 Member.
- Kinda Weird.
- Owner of the Worst team ever, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
darkfirewolf58 and Blacknoob911991[edit | edit source]
- 2nd Elite 6 Member (Double Down)
- Black: [Amazing Builder]
- Dark: [Just a Player]