Misc/Easter Eggs

From Blockate Wiki

Overview[edit | edit source]

Easter eggs are small sentences that are included the game which can range from widely-known to unknown

Current Easter Eggs[edit | edit source]

  • "Blockate Staff can't be banned." This message shows whenever you try to ban any of Blockate's staff members.
  • "u good?" This message shows whenever you try to ban yourself.
  • "You have been kicked from the game for: "Sus" - This appears when you use an autoclicker. It is currently a bug.

Archived Easter Eggs[edit | edit source]

  • "SLOW DOWN BUCKO" This would appear when you click too fast through the worlds. It was widely known as many people click fast when trying to get to worlds.
  • "You can't ban God." This would show whenever you try to ban fewkz.
  • "hope it was worth it" This would appear when you used the !resetworld command.
  • "nice job, kid" This would show whenever you try to reset a world that you don't own.

Gallery[edit | edit source]