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Often once a world is griefed, the owner can looselose all motivation to continue creating or expanding their world, or sometimes creating new worlds. The less time you spend removing the grief, the more time you have to build and create.
== Tips on Preventing and Fixing Grief ==
=== Avoid Giving Out Perms ===
Unless your game is a free-build or a plot world, you don't necessarily need admins or builders. Some games don't have any builders or admins, which practically negates most forms of grief. You can also only perm trusted people or friends, and/or save backups before perming.
=== Don’t Mass Perm ===
If you own a free-build game or are an admin in one, giving lots of players builder ''or'' admin perms at the same time is never a good idea. It can actually makes it lot easier for griefers to avoid being banned or detected, as it is a lot harder to determine who griefer(s) are when you have to divide your attention towards lordlots of people. If you absolutely must use perms stands, you can, but remember not to perm more than one player at a time. Asking players if they will grief ''is a waste of time'', as its very easy to lie.
=== Keeping an Eye on Everyone ===
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=== Ask Your Friends ===
Make sure to ask your friends (or people you trust) to help rebuild/repaint and remove greifgrief from your world. When you have help rebuilding worlds, it can (I find) re-motivate and sometimes even inspire you to improve on or even completely rebuild your structures.
=== Movables ===