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Often once a world is griefed, the owner can loose all motivation to continue creating andor expanding their world, or sometimes even creating new worlds. The less time you spend removing grief, the more time you have to build and create. So that's why [ I] decided to make this helpful article in order lower the chances of it occurring so often and to include some handy tips on removing grief. Please make sure your tips are short and easy to understand.
== Tips Onon Preventing Griefand FixingGrief ==
=== ''Avoid''' '''Giving Out Perms'' ===
Unless your game is a free-build or a plot world, you don't necessarily need admins or builders. Some games don't have any builders or admins, like Speed Simulator. It may be a good idea to hire just a few admins which you have known for a long time, are your friend and that you have 100% trust in. In the long run hiring just a few active adminspractically cannegates bemost justforms asof effectivegrief.
=== Don’t Mass Perm ===
''Note:'' ''this also helps to prevent admin abuse while the owner isn't around.''
If you own a free-build game or are an admin in one, giving lots of players builder ''or'' admin perms at the same time is '''''never''''' a good idea. It can actually makes it '''''a lot''''' easier for griefers to avoid being banned or detected, as it is a lot harder to determine who the griefer/(s) are (playerswhen oftenyou griefhave asto soondivide asyour theyattention gettowards permslord orof they get bored)people. Instead,If you couldabsolutely justmust give playersuse perms instands, generalyou can, but remember not perm more than one player at a time. Asking players if they will grief ''is a waste of time'', as its very easy to lie.
=== ''NeverKeeping Usean PermEye Stands''on Everyone ===
It may sound a silly but, ifIf you are suspicious of a player, you should stand somewhere they can't see you and make sure you are not facing their direction (even if you are hidden) in order to keep an eye on them. IfFor example, if you are in a free-build game that includes an ocean, you could hide in that (note: players with max graphic settings enabled can see through water). Even if you aren't suspicious of players, you should still keep an eye on playersthem, ifan youexample areof inwhich acould be if you own plot world, simply walking around can be a good idea.
If you own a free-build game or are an admin in one, giving lots of players builder ''or'' admin perms at the same time is '''''never''''' a good idea. It can actually makes it '''''a lot''''' easier for griefers to avoid being banned, as it is a lot harder to determine who the griefer/s are (players often grief as soon as they get perms or they get bored). Instead, you could just give players perms in general, but remember not perm more than one player at a time. Asking players if they will grief ''is a waste of time'', as its very easy to lie.
=== ''KeepClosing AnYour EyeGame/ OnPreventing Everyone''Offline Grief ===
If you are the last person left in a game (and youryou are an admin or the owner), unperm everyone with builder perms (you should be able to trust all your admins) before you leave. A good way of remembering who had perms is using a stat,[stats]; you couldcan use a stat like ''Builder'' or ''Perm'.', Ifwhich youwill likehelp you to know who to re-perm. You can also leaveprivate theyour game publicusing (notthe privated)''!private'' socommand thatif playersyou’d newlike, tobut youronly gameif canyou lookare around.the Thisowner willof prevent all 'offline'the griefworld.
It may sound a silly but, if you are suspicious of a player you should stand somewhere they can't see you and make sure you are not facing their direction (even if you are hidden). If you are in a free-build game that includes an ocean you could hide in that (note: players with max graphic settings enabled can see through water). Even if you aren't suspicious of players you should still keep an eye on players, if you are in a plot world simply walking around can be a good idea.
''Note: adminsAdmins can remove or give buildersbuilder perms, but they cannot remove or give admin perms.''
=== ''Close Your Game'' ===
If you are the last person left in a game (and your an admin or the owner) unperm everyone with builder perms (you should be able to trust all your admins) before you leave. A good way of remembering who had perms is using a stat, you could use a stat like 'Builder' or 'Perm'. If you like you can also leave the game public (not privated) so that players new to your game can look around. This will prevent all 'offline' grief.
=== Who Placed That? ===
''Note: admins can remove or give builders perms, but they cannot remove or give admin perms.''
If your world is griefed or someone builds something inappropriate, you can move your mouse over a block and use the command ''!whoplaced'' to ban the player that placed the block(s). If you suspect multiple people have griefed you can use the ''!ez'' command ''!ezwhoplaced ezwhoplaced”'' to banassist thein playerfiguring out who griefed. Sometimes takeingtaking a screenshot of their name can be useful for later-on.
=== ''Who([[VIP]]) PlacedFilling That?''Gaps ===
If large areas of blocks are missing for your world (block-deletion grief), you can use the commands ''!fill'' and ''!ezfill'' to quickly rebuild the missing regions of your world. Keep in mind that these commands will work if you don’t have [[VIP]], but you will only be able to fill 10 blocks at a time without the game-pass as opposed to the 200 blocks at a time with the game-pass.
If your world is griefed or someone builds something inappropriate you can move your mouse over a block and use the command ''!whoplaced'' to ban the player that placed the block(s). If you suspect multiple people have griefed you can use the ''!ez'' command ''!ezwhoplaced ''to ban the player. Sometimes takeing a screenshot of their name can be useful for later-on.
=== Tips([[VIP]]) For RemovingDeleting Grief ===
To quickly remove large areas of spammed blocks (placement grief), you can use the commands ''!bulldoze'' and ''!ezbulldoze'', which will let you select points to delete all blocks within the area drawn between the points. It’s important to mention that this the recommending commands for deleting grief won’t work without [[VIP]], so if you don’t have the game-pass, you will have to delete things manually.
If you are unfortunate enough to have your world griefed, these tips can help a lot in removing grief.
=== ''(VIP)Ask FillingYour Gaps''Friends ===
Make sure to ask your friends (or people you trust) to help rebuild/repaint and remove greif from your world. When you have help rebuilding worlds, it can (I find) re-motivate and sometimes even inspire you to improve on or even completely rebuild your structures.
If blocks are deleted fixing it with the (VIP) command !ezfill will save you a lot of time.
=== ''(VIP) Deleting Grief''Movables ===
To quickly remove placedcubes griefor balls (blocksmovables) use the command !ezbulldozemovable andclear. selectHowever, ausing largethis area.command will '''wipe out all movables''' in the world, so use it with caution!
=== ''Ask Your Friends''Oceans ===
If your world has been 'flooded'‘flooded’ by a griefer, use the command !ocean to remove the ocean. If someone has added a commandfunctionality to the ocean inusing youra worldcommand, you can useremove the samefunctionality by using the designated command againfor (withsaid yourfunctionality mouse overon the ocean). These commands could include (use these versions of the command to remove them) ''!kill, !tele, !baller, etc.''
Make sure to ask your friends (or people you trust) to help rebuild/repaint and remove greif from your world. When you have help rebuilding it can (I find) re-motivate and sometimes even inspire you to improve or even completely rebuild your structures.
=== Don''Re-movables''t Reset Your World! ===
Sometimes resetting your world (in the past, you would typically do this with the command ''!resetworld,'' but now the ''!templates'' command is the go-to for wiping worlds) isn't a good idea, as removing all your progress is likely to de-motivate you.; Insteadinstead, you can try fixing the grief, as it won't remove all of your progress, and you might evenbe findable waysto ofspot improvingerrors with your builds asworld you gowere not able to see before.
To remove '''''skibidi '''''cubes or balls (movables) use the command !movable clear.
=== ''Oceans''Using Backups ===
Backups are usually the best way to recover destroyed builds, as using them can instantly revert the entire world back to the time the backup was saved at. Keep in mind, however, that things like [[movable mechanisms]] might be negatively impacted by backup usage, and progress will be lost if you load a non-recent backup save to attempt to recover your world. To use backups, simply type the command ''!backups'', which will pop up a backups menu, allowing you to save and delete backups.
If your world has been 'flooded' by a griefer use the command !ocean to remove the ocean. If someone has added a command to the ocean in your world you can use the same command again (with your mouse over the ocean). These commands could include (use these versions of the command to remove them) ''!kill, !tele, !baller, etc.''
''Note: Backups can only be saved and deleted by the owner of a world, or in some cases, admins, provided the owner of the world turns on the admin backup editing configuration in the !world menu.''
=== ''Don't Reset Your World!'' ===
Sometimes resetting your world (with the command ''!resetworld'') isn't a good idea, removing all your progress is likely to de-motivate you. Instead try fixing the grief as it won't remove all of your progress, you might even find ways of improving your builds as you go.
=== Using Logs ===
''Note: Only the owner of the world can use the !resetworld command.''
Using logs can be a great way to quickly neutralize a griefer’s ability to damage your world, as it can give insight as to who is performing the grief. By simply typing !logs, a server log of all placements, deletions, commands, etc., will pop up on your screen, allowing you to quickly pinpoint griefers.
Also make sure you have a backup of your free build, etc... who knows when grief starts!
You can also look at the logs (by saying '!logs') to see who is griefing and use !ban, then load a backup of the world.
''*Loading Past Backups will remove some progress on more recent blocks/builds created.''
=== Commonly Griefed Games ===


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