
From Blockate Wiki
Revision as of 10:06, 27 October 2019 by Fewkz (talk | contribs)

Blockate Changelog

+ is added Content

- is removed Content

% is tweaks

= is notes

1 October 2019: Blockate's Return

+Blockate is back

=The entire fandom is very happy. :D

19 September 2019: Under Review

-Blockate went under review

=The entire fandom is freaking out and is sad. :c

31 August 2019: (silent update)

+You can now scroll through worlds instead of clicking your way to the end of it.

+2 commands suggested made their way through the game!

!decal transparency (shown as !decal [Transparency]) and !texture [ID] (now !decal tile)!

31 July 2019:

+Revamped Building UI

+Selective Painting added

-!paint removed.

13 July 2019:

+Added !warplocation. Along with the world Fox's Adventure of Something to showcase the new feature.

+Updated !warp, now you can do !warp (World ID) (Warp Location Tag)

File:WarpLocation Diagram.PNG

04 July 2019:

+ Added !statreseter

25 June 2019:

+ As an experiment, Blockate had been completely converted to R15 for a few days, which was later switched back as it negatively affected a lot of Blockate obbies.

24 June 2019:

+ Added !soundblock localtrigger

21 June 2019:

+ Made fill faster. Twice.

13 June 2019:

+ Made it so owners of a world can join the world even if it's full, along with Blockate staff.

11 June 2019:

+ Added !stat clear, which removes every stat from your world in case there were stats that couldn't be typed.

01 June 2019:

+ Added !effect offset

+ Added !plrlimit

+ Marbles (!ball) no longer collide with other players or marbles when !disablecollisions is enabled.

29 May 2019:

+ Added !conga and !congablock

22 March 2019:

+ Made all new Blockate worlds use the new Roblox dynamic voxel lighting system.

30 January 2019:

+ Added !decal and all the other decal-related commands.

06 January 2019:

+ Added !dab

29 December 2018:

+ Made it so keywords such as "random", "all", "others" can be used in most player-requiring commands.

- Broke Blockate (was fixed shortly after)

24 December 2018:

+ Added "Marble Rider" badge

23 December 2018:

+ Made it so putting "!blocks" infront of your search query when searching will sort the worlds by their block count instead of visits.

15 December 2018:

+ Made the official Blockate group public for anyone to join.

+ Made it so people who join the Blockate group get a free Blockate world.

12 December 2018:

+ Added !bulldoze

19 November 2018:

Crates Feature:

New Commands:

New Thumbnails:

+Added the crates, now you can get hats via crates.

+Added multiple new commands, !snap, !usernamedistance and !healthdistance.

+Added usage for every command inside !cmds.

+Multiple new thumbnails for default blockate worlds.

6 October 2018: Movable Effects Galore

+Added effects and movables got updated.

25 August 2018:

+!teamer has been added to the game.

-!spawn changer removed.

15 June 2018:

+!statremover has been added to the game.

9 June 2018:

+Skyboxes have been added to the game.

1 June 2018:

=Check out my brand new and sweet sweet movable commands!

+!mtele, !movable respawn and !movable auto respawn has been added to the game.

7 May 2018:

=Who hates hats anyways?

+!hats disable added into the game.

3 Febuary 2018:

+Added !paint.

25 January 2018:

Official Trailer:

Mobile Support:

+Official trailer created!

+Mobile Support has been improved.

17 January 2018:

+You can now open the shop tab.

16 January 2018:

=Yay, we can now buy Blux with our robux!

+Blux now purchasable with Robux.

13 January 2018:

Shop Items:

!item remove Command:

=Shop items! Added the commands below:

!item create, !item buy, etc

+!item remove probably added later to the game.

11 January 2018:

Blockate's Release:

Earnings System:

+Official release of Blockate!

+Earnings system has been later added to the game.