Help/Introduction to Commands

From Blockate Wiki

So, you just learned the basics of building, huh? Well, you might have realized many games utilize more than just the variations of blocks available; they use commands! Wanna know how they work? Great!

Commands (Cmds) at the core are a string of text put into chat in the form of "!Cmd Name Input." You'll find there is a vast amount of commands to use. It's recommended that you experiment with as many commands as you can to become comfortable with their use, but the list is lengthy, so if you type "!cmds" into the chat, you will access the entire list! Once you do you'll see this:

Information overload, 2 cm brain breaking... Error! Error!
Label Name Function
A Close Button Explanation not necessary.
B Search Bar Explanation hopefully not necessary.
C Cmd List + Minimum Perm Level Necessary Indicates what commands each perm level has access to, a higher rank gives access to commands further down the list. Ex: An admin has access to the commands from the Visitor, Builder, and Admin ranks, but stops at the Owner rank.
D Scroll Bar The object you used to read this pointless sentence made to waste your precious 1 second; I am not sorry at all because at this point, you still continue to read this.


Perm friends, making teams + team gear, teleporters, kill blocks, shopitems, ezcommands