Events/2019 Shutdown: Difference between revisions

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(: ok maybe not)
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== ==
Blockate was put under review by ROBLOXRoblox administraitorsadministrators on the 18th of September, 2019, however no reason or explanation was given. This is known as the September 18th shutdown.
==Speculations and Theories==
Many users suggested that Blockate was shut down for being a copy of [[Blocklr]] or for just being too similar to ROBLOXRoblox, but these claims were radical and not very credible.
Another theory is that Blockate's head developer, ([[Fewkz]]), had broke ROBLOXRoblox terms of service and got Blockate shut down,however; However this theory was also not very credible. 
The most credible and believable theory is that the player-base has caused the shutdown, with many users thinking they were funny by building "items" that were against ROBLOXRoblox TOSToS, or most likely, the use of Discord Links.
Luisupro99's Theory (aka the theory that made the one that edited this page):Numbers are allowed (That means that bypasses the chat fliter, since sometimes numbers are censored while in blockateBlockate they are always allowed) or like above, the players made games, but these games where games that have copyrighted things (Like these pokemon games, don't ask why the reason of this)
According Toto Twitter, Thethe Blockate Teamteam Areare trying Toto “'''Make The Game Playable Again'''”. thisThis does mean that Blockate Isis Goinggoing Toto Havehave a Comebackcomeback, Whatwhat Reallyreally Mademade Itit Notnot Playableplayable has not definition anwseranswer yet. We Cancan Tryonly Toguess Guesswhy Theit Reasonswas Whygone. BlockateIt Wasis Shutspeculated Thecome Blockateback Comeback Will Be Inin October (As Predicted).