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being cool when wearing a condom
== '''Background Knowledge''' ==
Things after a command, (put in () or [] in this commands list) are called arguments. These will affect how your command will run. If an arguments in [] here, that means that it is not required.

You don't actually need the (), or [] when running the command, it's just put here for show.

Sexy and single :)
If arguments are called R, G, and B; they should be numbers between 0 and 255. These values represent the Red, Blue, and Green tint of a color.

'Runner' is a reference to the player who ran the command.

'''!ez[insert command] '''will make it so that you can do multiple of something. Like, !ezkill will make you be able to create multiple kill blocks.

== '''Visitor Commands''' ==
* '''!donate (plr) (amt) '''- Allows your to donate the amount of Blux to another player. However, you will need to have the VIP gamepass which only cost 99 Robux.
* '''!stat show (statname) '''- Shows you the value you have for that stat.
* '''!menu '''- Makes the main menu appear, so you can join other worlds.
* '''!world '''- Makes the world menu appear. It is used to see the description, the player permissions to build in that world, and to use the world shop.
* '''!conga - '''Saying Conga Gets you Hubbed.This command used to work but it was removed due to an unknown reason

== '''Starter Commands''' ==
New to '''Blockate'''? Start here with the commands!
* '''!name (name)''' - Changes the game's name.
* '''!time (time)''' - Changes the time of day to suit a theme
* '''!tele''' - Creates a one-way teleporter that transports the player
* '''!kill [player]''' - Kills the player. If [player] is empty and mouse is not pointing at a block, it will kill you. If [player] is empty and mouse is pointing at a block, the mouse will make the block deadly and put a red X on it.
* '''!sign [text] '''- Turns the block into the [text].
* '''!outlines''' - Removes/Adds outlines around each block.
* '''!cmds''' - Brings up a menu with all the stats.

* '''!cannon (power) '''- Allows you to make trampolines or conveyors.
** If you type in !cannon (power) (direction), it can allow you to make conveyors easily, especially when it is done as an !ez command.

* '''!freebuild''' - Allow all players to build
** <span style="color:red;">Freebuild isn't recommended due to mass players griefing. This can be seen in most freebuild worlds, whereas when the server starts to get full, it is more prone to grief.</span> [[File:Example.png|thumb|488x488px|The ID for this decal would be: '''73737627. '''You can find the ID at the top, where the URL is.]]<span style="color:green;">Instead of using !freebuild, a setup where you have applications and you ask the person some things may work better. Others have tried setting up a discord, and some have also tried making the shop a resource in order to build.</span>
* '''!thumbnail [id]''' - Sets a thumbnail for your world
** The [id] (ID) can be found at the URL (where www.roblox is), and it is the string of numbers. In this picture, the ID would be '''73737627.'''

== '''Intermediate Commands''' ==
Once you have mastered the easy commands, try these for a challenge to master!
* '''!ocean [height]''' - Creates an ocean at the desired height, putting no value removes the ocean.
* '''!cycle [length]''' - Starts a day/night cycle in minutes. Useful for survival games.
* '''!movable respawn''' - Upon being destroyed, the Cube/Ball will respawn.
* '''!movable ridable''' - Allows players to ride Cubes and Balls.[[File:Giphy.gif|thumb|220x220px|Demonstration of the paint command.]]

* '''!mtele''' - Teleports Cubes and Balls but not Players. (Players on Cubes/Balls with !movable ridable ignore this rule however.

== '''Technical Commands''' ==
Here are some '''technical '''commands!
* '''!portal''' - Momentum and Camera direction are kept the same. Other then that it is a standard teleporter.
* '''!tele''' - Works exactly as a standard teleporter.
* '''!stat add (statname) '''- Adds a new stat that will appear in the leaderboard.
* '''!stat remove (statname) '''- Removes the stat.
* '''!statgiver (statname) (id) '''- Adds the (id) to the stat.
* '''!statremover (statname) (id) '''- Removes the (id) to the stat.
* '''!stat display (name) '''- Hides the stat.
* '''!stat reset (plr) (statname) '''- Resets the player's stat.
* '''!stat show '''- Shows all the stats in the world.
* '''!stattele''' '''(stat) (stat value to get teleported) - '''Requires a certain stat value to teleport to a destination.
* '''!movable autorespawn (seconds)''' - Respawns cube after set time limit.
* '''!team add [color]''' - Creates a new team.
** The color must be a brick color (example: New yeller, Maroon, Royal purple)
* '''!team set [color] [player]''' - Sets the player to an assigned team.
* '''!team remove [name / color]''' - Removes the specified team.
* '''!team name [color] [name]''' - Changes the name of the specified team.
* '''!camera direction (direction) '''- This will force the camera to point in a specific direction. (Type a number between 0-360)

== '''Other / VIP Commands ''' ==
* '''!fill''' - Creates an autofill of blocks. [VIP]
** !fill will ask you to create 2 selections. Let's say that you created your first selection at a grass block, and your second at a woodblock. Any space between the grass and wood will be filled. (NOTE: Fill only goes up to a considerable amount of blocks, so it will not fill all the way if it is a big space.) VIP Command.
** If you put the selections in the same area, it will only fill 1 block space.
* '''!bulldoze''' - Opposite of !fill, removes an amount of blocks. [VIP]
** Bulldoze can remove an infinite amount of space.
** You will need to have at least Builder in a world in order to use !bulldoze, and of course VIP.
* '''!dab''' - Makes the player dab.
* '''!snap''' - Kicks out half of the server.
* '''!powerup -''' This command is a non-known command. It changes your stats if you touch it. Examples: !powerup walkspeed 50, !powerup health 1000, !powerup jumppower 500.

* '''!decal [id]''' - Creates a decal on a block. [VIP]

* This is the same as !thumbnail, but on an individual block. You have to aim your cursor at a block in order for this to work. Make sure you have the correct ID! It can be useful, but you need to have VIP for it.

* '''!decal size [L] [W]''' - Makes the decal bigger. [VIP]
* '''!decal rotation (angle) '''- Rotates the decal. [VIP]
* '''!decal color [r] [g] [b] '''- Colors the decal. [VIP]
* !Fling [plr] [Power] Flings Player With Set Power
* !soundblock [Audio ID] - Makes Block On What Your Cursor To Play Sound

== '''Removed commands''' ==
* '''!congaer''' - Hubs you, just like !conga
* '''!conga '''- Makes the character do the conga from TF2
* '''!decal [old version]''' - Creates a decal but did not require VIP.
* '''!paint''' - Would change the color of the block that was clicked to the color that was selected. Was replaced with the Paintbrush tool.
== End ==
Now, of course, these aren't all the commands, these are just the tip of the iceberg! So why don't you try the rest out for yourself? (use !cmds) :D ''enjoy for commands''

Revision as of 08:02, 29 October 2019

being cool when wearing a condom


Sexy and single :)